
Kiersten Bolt

Phone Number


My name is Ms. Bolt and I am a Math 7 teacher here at Webber Middle School. This is my ninth year of teaching middle school math and I love my job! I currently teach Math 7, Math Support, and Guitar. 


Amazon Classroom Wishlist 

About My Classroom

We are focused on collaboration and exploration. This year I am focusing on number sense and problem solving in our math class. I use guided notes for every lesson to help accommodate students and emphasize important pieces of information. Extra copies can be found in my classroom or on Google Classroom.

What is your education background and experience?

I received two bachelor of science degrees in both elementary education and special education with an emphasis in mathematics at Northern Arizona University. I received my masters degree in instructional design and technology through the American College of Education. 

What are your favorite hobbies or interests outside of school?

Snowboarding, playing music, camping, traveling, and exploring this beautiful state we live in! 

What do you love most about teaching?

The kids! 

Courses Taught

I have taught 6th grade math and science, 8th grade math, outdoor living, 7th grade math support, guitar club, STEAM, and Geometry. 

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