
Extended Learning Opportunities

6th Grade students not participating in Band or Orchestra will take 4 quarters of the following ELO:

Webber 101:

This four-quarter class is designed to help sixth-grade students integrate into their new environment and build skills to foster success in middle school and beyond. These skill sets will include but are not limited to establishing good study habits, time management, social interaction, leadership, creativity, and critical thinking strategies.


The chief objective of Anthropology is to increase the students’ awareness of and appreciation for the rich diversity of human behavior and beliefs. The course examines the physical and cultural origins and development of the human species taking us back in time some three million years. Students will investigate the techniques and evidence used to formulate theories about prehistoric and modern people who possess lifestyles dramatically different from our own. Anthropology is taught from an evolutionary perspective. With a special emphasis on Archaeology, students will participate in a Field School dig on campus.

Book Club:

For those who love books, love to read books, and want to talk about books. The group will vote on books to read, prepare reflective writing, and discuss the books. Students will be expected to read daily, either the book club selection or their own personal book choice.

Brain Builders:

This course provides students with complete understanding of the intricacies, aesthetics, and cultural elements of the world of “gaming” through critical play, analysis, and discussions. A variety of game formats will be considered in the course, including board games and card games. The main focus will be on historical and economic games which reinforce social studies and mathematic standards. ***

Creative Writing:

Designed to help students improve their ability to express themselves through imaginative use of the language. Students focus on improving their sense of observation in narrative and descriptive writing by creating their own original short stories and poems.

Environmental Education - The Green Class:

This course is centered on the role we play in shaping, participating in, and understanding local and global environmental issues. We will take time each day to think about ourselves and how we can make Webber a greener, more environmentally friendly place. Additionally, we will broaden our scope of understanding to think critically about ways personal choices affect our immediate community and beyond, and how we can take positive steps each day. Students will explore the science behind our changing climate, Colorado ecosystems, and local environmental issues.

History of Rock and Roll:

An introduction to the evolution of rock styles, contributions of important performers, and musical techniques involved in the creation and performance of rock music. Students will be introduced to the history of rock and roll music through current music influences, as it evolved in the United States and spread throughout the world.

Hunting & Gathering:

This class is organized around the principle of self-sustainability. Students will complete the Colorado Hunter Education class, which consists of 12 classroom hours of study, a written examination, and a hands-on safety evaluation. Following the conclusion of the Hunter Education aspect of the class, students will utilize and apply hands-on learning techniques in the study of various styles of gardening, including traditional soil-based, aquaponic and hydroponic styles.

Intro to Coding:

Learn to create computer programs, develop problem-solving skills, and work through fun challenges! Make games and creative projects to share.

Integrated PE (8th grade only):

This course is designed to allow eighth grade students to become teaching assistants in adapted physical education. Eighth graders will be assisting students with physical and/or mental disabilities to participate in modified physical education activities. These students will be matched up either one to one or in small groups depending on student needs. Required application is available on the Webber Middle School website or in the counseling office.

Jr. Forensics (Speech & Debate):

A first semester only class designed to prepare students to compete in Webber’s Junior Forensics Team. Students will be introduced to all areas of Junior Forensics competition including debate, interpretive drama, humor, poetry and impromptu events. The National Honor Society sponsors Junior Forensics, and students who choose to compete will travel to monthly tournaments and will have the opportunity to gain points which can be transferred with them as they continue at the high school level.

Learn to Knit & Crochet:

Designed to teach students how to knit and crochet. Students will learn the basics of knitting: casting on, knit stitch, purl stitch, and casting off. Students will also learn the basics of crochet. After becoming proficient with these skills, students will make knitted/crocheted items to donate to family members or to keep for themselves. If you have previous knitting/crochet experience and want to move beyond the basics, you will have the opportunity to learn new techniques in this class. ***

Magic: The Gathering Academy:

The world’s original and most popular trading card game is coming to Webber. Playing magic is an excellent way to stimulate the mind, think creatively, and solve problems while improving linguistics, building social skills, and learning how to be respectful in competitive situations. This class is for anyone, whether they are learning to play or honing their skills. All supplies, including cards, will be provided for free thanks to MagiKids.org.

Marvelous Movies and the Art of Teaching:

Do you ever wonder how we can know anything at all? Where does knowledge come from, anyway? Join this class to explore the wonderful world of education. We will watch videos and read scholarly articles from various subjects to see school from the inside out. We will plan activities, design tests, and discuss the great issues of how we learn. In addition, practical knowledge (financial literacy, necessary degrees, best institutions, etc.) to pursue your dream job.

Military History and Technology:

This class will encompass the following: military customs and courtesies and tactics, world and US military history timelines, National Guard versus active duty, military leaders and other significant individuals, significant military campaigns and events, military careers and opportunities, and military technology (timelines and reasons why technology is used). If possible, a field trip to CSU for the ROTC program or to Warren AFB in Cheyenne may be appropriate. Projects may include research of periods, battles, leaders, and significant events, followed by presentations or role playing. We will make connections to cultures, impacts on families, communities, and individuals. We will also explore why and when military is used, what is right or wrong about those choices.

Panthers Produce:

In support of student success, Panthers Produce will provide class work time; planner checks; grade checks; assistance with work; reading for assignments; and retaking tests or redoing assignments. We will have limited space in Panthers Produce. If you are selected into this class, you are expected to work on homework in a quiet and respectful manner. Teachers have the discretion to remove students from Panthers Produce who are not using their time effectively. Required application is available on the Webber Middle School website or in the counseling office.

Science Olympiad:

This is a science elective class. The course is modeled after the nationally recognized Science Olympiad competition. This course will allow students to explore all areas of science. Sample topics may include: astronomy, crime solving, trajectory, egg drop, and orienteering.

Space Science & Astronomy:

Come explore the stars in this exciting project-based ELO! We will start off learning how stars form, how they live, and how they come to a (sometimes) catastrophic end. We will learn about the brilliant people who have contributed to this field of science throughout history and will hear from scientists who are actively doing this work today. We will have opportunities to observe the skies using telescopes and binoculars and will learn about contributing data to citizen science databases. We finish the semester with a brief exploration of aerospace technology and a project of your choosing.

Sports Reading:

Uses the medium of sports to engage students in reading and writing activities. The students will concentrate on improving their reading and writing skills using a variety of materials including newspapers and magazines, short stories, novels and biographies. Students also learn about the history of sports, careers in sports, and the impact of sports on society. Some physical activity is also incorporated into this class.

STEAM: Engineering & Art Design:

Using Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics to engineer and design solutions to real world problems. This is a hands-on class that will be using collaborative learning, teamwork and physical science concepts to come up with creative solutions to a real-world challenge. We will be creating and testing animal prosthetics, designing plastic water bottle cars and much more! Students must be able to work effectively in a group with others.

Underwater Robotics:

The Underwater Robotics Program (SeaPerch) provides students with the opportunity to learn about robotics, engineering, science, and mathematics (STEM) while building an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). During the process of building an ROV, students follow an established curriculum to completely assemble the ROV, test it, and then participate in launching their vehicles. Students are encouraged to compete in a culminating event, the SeaPerch Challenge and/or maneuver an obstacle course at a local pool.

Velocity - Select Choir :

Participation requires high-level performance skills. The choir performs a variety of significant choral literature representing several stylistic periods. This advanced group performs concerts in the school and community. Students must be concurrently enrolled in Concert Choir or have completed Concert Choir and concurrently enrolled in Musical Theater Production. Placement is based on an audition, and attendance at school concerts is required as part of student’s grade.  

World Cultures:

Explores the five themes of geography (location, place, human environment interaction, movement, and region). Students will be involved in an in-depth study of the background of major historic and artistic sites, basic economics, geography, language, foods, music, traditions, religions and current events of countries students want to visit or to be visited on a spring and/or summer trip.


This yearlong course covers all phases of yearbook production. Students learn to design layouts, write copy, organize materials, select photographs, and function as a cooperative member of a publications staff. Required application is available on the Webber Middle School website or in the counseling office.

PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.