
World Languages

World Language Explorations (6th Grade):

World Language Explorations is an elective class designed to introduce students to the alphabet, numbers, pronunciation, basic phrases, greetings, and culture of the individual language.

German 1 (8th Grade):

This course meets the Colorado Academic Standards for novice-mid communication proficiency.  Students communicate in spontaneous spoken and written conversations, identify the general topic and some basic information in texts, using a variety of practiced or memorized words, phrases, and simple sentences, on both very familiar and everyday topics.  Language acquisition activities promote learning in context by being immersed in comprehensible language, emphasizing communication over form. This is a high school credited course.

Spanish 1 (7th & 8th Grade):

This course is intended for students interested in beginning to learn Spanish. If you are already a Spanish speaker, there will be courses in high school to further your knowledge. Students are introduced to vocabulary and structures. Activities include dialogs, novice readings, listening selections, and written communication. Students experience language through the study of cultures, while making connections and comparisons to their native language and developing communication skills in the target language. The study of a world language prepares students to compete in a global community! This is a high school credited course.

Spanish 2 (8th Grade):

This course is intended for students interested in learning Spanish. If you are already a Spanish speaker, there will be courses in high school to further your knowledge. Students are further introduced to vocabulary and structures. Activities include, conversations, novice readings, listening selections, and written communication. Students experience language through the study of cultures while making connections and comparisons to their native language and developing communication skills in the target language. The study of a world language prepares students to compete in a global community! Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish 1 and teacher’s recommendation. This is a high school credited course.​​​​​​​


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