
Science Olympiad Regionals


These kids did a great job representing Webber and themselves at the Science Olympiad Regionals. Coaches Ashby and Bradford enjoyed watching the kids compete and demonstrate their ingenuity & ability to adapt to location changes, miscommunication, errors, and other challenges. Webber came out in the top 15 and will compete in the STATE tournament in April! Yeah, Science!

Medals: Congratulations to Lela and Phinneas for earning a 3rd place medal in CRIME BUSTERS!

Top 5: Wheeled Vehicle and Write-It, Do-it earned a top 5 finished!!! 

Top 15: Air Trajectory, Disease Detectives, Dynamic Planet, Reach for the Stars, Roller Coaster, and Wind Power all earned a spot in the top 15.


Practice (now - April 6) will take place on Thursdays, from 2:45-4:00. 

We will NOT practice during SPRING BREAK. Our practice schedule is below:

-Thursday, March 7

-Thursday, March 21

-Thursday, March 28

-Thursday, April 4

Students, please take your stuff home and plan to fix/re-build/practice when you have time!

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