

Webber Panther Athletics 


2024-2025 Athletics

Please check back periodically for updates about forthcoming seasons.


  • 6th graders can compete in all individual sports:
    • Fall: Tennis, Cross-Country
    • Winter: Wrestling
    • Spring: Golf, Track
  • 7th and 8th graders can compete in all sports offered:
    • Fall: Tennis, Cross-Country, Football, Volleyball
    • Winter: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Wrestling
    • Spring: Softball, Golf, Track, Unified Basketball

Team Sports Structure:

  • Volleyball, Basketball (cut sports)
    • Mixed Grade: Varsity, JV, C1, C2
  • Football, Softball
    • Mixed Grade: Varsity, JV


Registration Process

There are three main things your student will need to compete in a middle school sport:

1.) Specific team/sport registration:

All middle school students participating in PSD Athletics must complete the registration at https://www.psdathletics.org/msreg. To do this, please scroll to the bottom of the page and create an account with Sports Engine. Online registration still requires families to submit a hard copy of the physical form, complete with a doctor's signature. 

2.) Sports physical (within one calendar year):

Submit a hard copy of the physical form, complete with a doctor's signature. The physical is valid for 365 days and expires one year from the original date of completion. If the physical expires during a season that an athlete is participating in, a new physical must be completed and submitted to continue to be eligible to play.  This can be submitted to Jamie Hontz (jhontz@psdschools.org).  A sports physical can be completed by a physician or chiropractor. or at the Health and Wellness Center at Lincoln Middle School or Centennial High School.

A physical can also be completed on a sliding scale ($0 - $35 for qualifying families) at the Health and Wellness Center at Lincoln Middle School or Centennial High School.  For more information please call 970-488-4900.

3.) Payment or Waiver (for students who qualify for free or reduced lunch)

The athletic registration fee is $140 for PSD students and $210 for non-PSD students.  Payments can be made via https://psdschools.schoolpay.com  or with a check payable to Webber Middle School. The registration process and payment must be completed before the first official practice/tryout. Fees may be waived for eligible students for free or reduced-price meals.  Please contact Jamie Hontz (Athletic Secretary) or Becca Wren (Athletic Director) if you need help with this process.  If a student does not make the team, the fees are refundable. 


Spring-Specific Athletic Updates

*Registration process does not need to be complete to attend pre-season camp.  All steps must be completed by the first official practice (tryouts) to be eligible to try out/practice.

Track & Field (6th, 7th, and 8th Grade):

Pre-Season Camp (Optional): March 24-28 from 2:35-4:30 pm

  • Meet in the main gym. Please wear workout gear and bring a water bottle.

Official practice begins on March 31. Practices will be held every school day from 2:35-4:30 pm. All athletes must complete all steps of the registration process before they are eligible to participate in official tryouts/practice. Athletes should change into athletic attire and meet in the gym daily. Meets will be held at one of the local high schools. Meets will begin at 3:30 pm.  Bus transportation will be provided to meet from school only. Families are responsible for transportation home after each meet. 

2025 Meet Schedule:

April 16 vs. Kinard and Boltz at Rocky Mountain HS 

April 23  vs. Timnath and Preston at Timnath HS

April 28 vs. Boltz and CLP at Poudre HS

May 7 vs. Lesher at Fort Collins HS

May 12 vs. CLP and Kinard at Fossil Ridge HS

May 20 District Championship Meet at Rocky Mountain HS (start time TBD)


Check back in late February for more Spring Season Updates!


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.  

Becca Wren

Assistant Principal/Athletic Director

Webber Middle School


(work) 970-488-7857 - (mobile) 970-413-0578




Fall Sports Coach  Contact
Cross Country Marc Long mlong@psdschools.org
Football Kirk Shaw kirkjshaw8@gmail.com
Tennis Carrie Galyardt cgalyardt@gmail.com
Volleyball Catie Breaux cbreaux@psdschools.org



Winter Sports Coach Contact
Boys Basketball

Pat Underwood 

Chris Gillis 

Girls Basketball Marc Long  mlong@psdschools.org
Wrestling Scott Morris smorris@psdschools.org



Spring Sports Coach Contact
Softball Chris Luther cluther@psdschools.org

Scott Morris (boys)

Bethany Smith (girls)



Track & Field Marc Long  mlong@psdschools.org
Unified Basketball   Thomas Wortmann twortmannjr@psdschools.org


PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.