School News
Ms. Young and our student staff writers have been working hard since starting the Newspaper club in January to get the website launched. There is a great range of writing on the site so far- news, sports, book/tv reviews, original writing, weekly wisdom and riddles, an advice column called "The Help Desk," and more.
This Spring we return to all in-person conferences at Webber MS.
The Webber Scholastic Book Fair was a short event, but we were so happy to see so many students and families visit the Library Media Center and support us! In total, 80 books were added to our collections at Webber! Your financial support allows us to add books from the fair to our collection and fulfill some of our teachers' wish lists too! Thank you!! 📚🐾
If you wonder how much the monthly dining fundraisers generate for our school – it is worth your time and generosity! Last month’s Mod Pizza night generated $421 for Webber! Thank you for supporting Webber and local small business Mod Pizza. Our next dining fundraiser will be: Chipotle 2120 E Harmony Rd on Wed, October 9th