
Jana Webster-Wheeler

Phone Number

Google Classrooms are utilized for all Band Classes at Webber. Students are expected to sign in at the beginning of the school year.

About My Classroom

The band family is a venue for students of all ages and abilities to explore facets of music and its role in our lives. We learn about fundamentals like posture, breathing, tone quality, technique, articulation, music literacy and ensemble balance. We strive for higher levels of musicianship including understanding cultural and historical ties, intonation, and expressive nuance. Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles in the area of chamber groups, student conductors, and section leaders. The Colorado Music Standards are infused into the learning. It is a safe place to make mistakes, yet we strive for individual excellence and aspire to collaborative teamwork in our performances. We can be really loud and goofy, there is laughter and hard work as we focus on growth. In band, we take risks and expect our best effort from ourselves and each other in our playing and our interactions as a team.

What is your education background and experience?

Bachelors Degree from CSU- Major in Music Education, emphasis in Winds Conducting

Masters Degree from UNC- Major in Music Education, emphasis in Flute Performance

Roles held in PSD- Substitute teacher K-12; Elementary: Special Ed Para, Art Para, Music Teacher. Secondary: High School Music Para, Middle School Band Teacher. Central Office Work: Human Resources Technician, Curriculum Facilitator for Art, Music, Theatre, and PE.

Professional Flautist

What are your favorite hobbies or interests outside of school?

I treasure spending time with my family. I gig in the state and region as a professional musician whenever possible. I also am a visual artist, specializing in two-dimensional works, and have some published essays and articles. I serve on three community boards; one that promotes scholarly work in Women's and Cultural studies, the second sponsors instrumental music education and other local equity projects, and a third that steers a community orchestra. I love spending active time outdoors and am a frequent visitor of places like Starbucks, the Farmers' Market, and Old Town.

What do you love most about teaching?

What I love about teaching are the students and the relationships formed with the kids and their families.

Courses Taught

7th/8th Grade Jazz Winds (0 Hour Every Day)

7th/8th Grade Connect

8th Grade Symphonic Band (Pd. 2 Black Days)

7th Grade Concert Band (3 sections - Pd. 3/4 Red and Black Days)

6th Grade Beginning Band (3 sections - Pd.'s 6 and 7 Red and Black Days)

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